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Love all Animals

Los del Rio
Autor: Hermann Scheer · Rubrik:

I´ve got a picture on the wall,

it tells me the fate of a famous hermit.

In the dug-out on Rio Carrao you can hear the accordion

of the thousand meters high Salto Angel.

It´s amazing how he achieves to sleep there in a wooden hut,

and moreover he didn´t have any permit.

Indians brought him fruits of the earth out of the jungle.

When he was a younger man well in the age of four and a half,

the most important was for him the sweets.

Besides he drank and ate all his hunger needs.

But he couldn´t help growing and in the age of fifteen,

the most important was for him the motor-bikes.

Besides he drank more and ate less, this is all what he likes.

And then he came in the age of sixteen and a third,

the most important was for him the girls.

Besides he felt it by climbing up a tree catching a bird.

But he couldn´t help growing and in the age of twenty-two,

the most important was for him the money.

Besides he smoked and sniffed snow, that all is for him honey.

And then he went to school in the age of forty,

the most important was for him the writings.

Besides he learnt to love and have fun in little things.

But he wasn´t able to manage that the flower he planted flourished,

so he had to stay with his library.

Every now and again he comes out of his wooden hut.

It´s amazing ´cause he is still alive, now in the age of ninety-five.

Einstell-Datum: 2009-11-16

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