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-- Literaturgeschichte & -theorie
--- Sowjetliteratur

Kenon - 13.09.2007 um 13:04 Uhr

Wer sich für Sowjetliteratur interessiert, wird auf der folgenden Seite allerhand nützliche Informationen wie Kurz- und Langzusammenfassungen einzelner Werke, Biographien der wichtigsten Autoren, Texte usw. in englischer Sprache finden:


Unter den Dokumenten befindet sich auch der Abschiedsbrief des Schriftstellers und Literaturkritikers Alexander Fadejew (1901-1956):


My whole life I trudged along under the burden of dull, unjustified, innumerable bureaucratic tasks, which could have been completed by absolutely anyone. And even now, when you sum up my life, it is unbearable to recall the number of shouts, reprimands, sermons, and plain ideological defects which rained down on me, a person in whom our people should have been justifiably proud in light of the authenticity and intrinsic modesty of my deeply communistic talent. Literature, the highest fruit of the new order, has been debased, persecuted, and destroyed.


My life as a writer loses all meaning, and I leave this life with great joy, seeing it as a deliverance from this foul existence, where meanness, lies, and slander rain down on you. My last hope was to tell all this to the people who lead the government, but in the course of three years, despite my requests, they have not been able to receive me.

Quelle: http://www.sovlit.com/fadeevsuicide

Pasternak soll den Suizid Fadejews mit den Worten kommentiert haben, dass sich Fadejew nun selbst rehabilitiert habe...

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