Adel Bashqawi - The Circassian Miracle: the Nation Neither Tsars, nor Commissars, nor Russia Could Stop
Russia consolidated a scorched earth policy, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and displacement against the Circassian homeland and its people.
Russia consolidated a scorched earth policy, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and displacement against the Circassian homeland and its people.
Im Vergleich von damals zu heute erkennt man, wie wenig Russland sich verändert hat. Seine fortlebende Kernidee ist die durch Völkermord errungene Weltherrschaft.
Ich wünschte, die Appeaser, Relativierer und Kollaborateure würden sich auch um ein so tiefgehendes Verständnis Russlands bemühen und ihre Informationen nicht bewusst oder weniger bewusst aus der russischen Propagandaproduktion beziehen.
Russian occupiers have always acted with barbaric “gang” mentality. They did not hold any weight of morality and/or humanity. They utilized armed robbery of cattle and property of villages and populated areas in which they were raiding. When they wanted to attack the owners of the farms and villages, they adopted destructive and deadly tactics. They employed long-range weapons that killed humans without the need to approach the Circassian defenders.
Russian occupiers have always acted with barbaric “gang” mentality. They did not hold any weight of morality and/or humanity. They utilized armed robbery of cattle and property of villages and populated areas in which they were raiding. When they wanted to attack the owners of the farms and villages, they adopted destructive and deadly tactics. They employed long-range weapons that killed humans without the need to approach the Circassian defenders.