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Archiv klassischer Werke

A Valentine
Edgar Allan Poe
  For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,
    Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda,
  Shall find her own sweet name, that nestling lies
    Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader.
  Search narrowly the lines!- they hold a treasure
    Divine- a talisman- an amulet
  That must be worn at heart. Search well the measure-
    The words- the syllables! Do not forget
  The trivialest point, or you may lose your labor
    And yet there is in this no Gordian knot
  Which one might not undo without a sabre,
    If one could merely comprehend the plot.
  Enwritten upon the leaf where now are peering
    Eyes scintillating soul, there lie perdus
  Three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing
    Of poets, by poets- as the name is a poet's, too,
  Its letters, although naturally lying
    Like the knight Pinto- Mendez Ferdinando-
  Still form a synonym for Truth- Cease trying!
    You will not read the riddle, though you do the best you can do. empfiehlt folgendes Buch:
Poe, Edgar Allan - Phantastische Erzählungen.

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